Attempting to hire and train a staff experienced in all the areas required for electric conversion would mean a long-term investment and commitment to resources. Using Electric Drilling Technologies means you don’t have to bear that burden, but instead can budget for known costs. We have already invested the resources and have a staff trained in all areas and disciplines needed for successful conversion and implemetaion.
Rig Integration Services
Our years of experience working with many different rigs means we can provide an installation that will work seamlessly with your project. An EDT professional will make an inspection, working with the drilling contractor’s engineering and safety teams, to ensure a smooth interface with our modular system. Our equipment allows the rig to easily switch between diesel and grid power in a safe and timely manner.
Customer Site Development
EDT provides all site equipment. Customer locations only require a utility connection on site.
Turnkey Rig Integration
Seamless technology solutions that goes to work immediately at the location.
Shift Quickly Between Grid and Engine Power
EDT is designed to provide system resiliency through the option to switch to diesel generators in the case of utility grid failure.
Installation & Rig Moves
EDT supervisors and crews provide safe and efficient installation, rig up, and rig down operations; ensuring proper connection and timing requirements are met. There is only one truckload added to the rig move.